Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Christmas shopping

Heath and I braved the traffic and went Christmas shopping today. The stores were pretty quiet. I refuse to go on Friday. My life means more to me than the fabulous doorbuster sales going on.
We went to Kmart and put a lot of stuff on layaway. The kids are getting harder to buy for these days. It was nicer when they were little and any kind of toy would do. Now they want IPods, stereos, Wii games, movies, make-up, etc. Oh I wish I could go back to Fisher-Price toys.
I still need to buy for Heath, Stella, and my family. Plenty of time before Christmas to brave the crowds, but I think I might just stick to the internet.
We put up the Christmas lights on Monday and they look decent. Half my strands don't work, so we weren't able to put up lights on the dormer windows. But we decorated more of the trees. It looks festive, that's all that matters. We are planning on putting up the tree on Friday or Saturday.
Ryan is performing for the Christmas Lighting Ceremony Saturday night and Austin might be performing with the drumline during the day. Busy day. Looking forward to the holidays so we can all relax.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Moon

Well, we finally went and saw "New Moon" tonight. Emily had been begging all day to go and see it, but we had to stuff newspaper "guts" earlier. We ended up seeing the 8:10 p.m. showing. The kids are tired, but they enjoyed it.
As for me and Heath, we really liked it. I thought it was better than the first, but I am "Team Jacob" so of course this movie was going to be better for me. Heath thought it was a better movie than the first, too.
Austin said it was okay, but I think he really wants people to think he's cool and not a fan. Trying to be "manly" about it and say Twilight sucks when deep down, I think he doesn't mind it.
Ryan, of course, liked the action scenes, though some I had to cover his eyes. A little scary. He was funny when before the movie he told me he really needed some candy. I told him that he was fine and that I didn't have any and I was fine. He said that I was old and didn't need candy as much. Not like a kid. Little stinker.
My friend works at the theater and she hasn't seen it yet, so I told her I'd go to it again with her. Emily wants to see it again, too. We'll see.
If you are a fan of the books, this one follows the book pretty well. I wasn't disappointed with the new director. MUCH better than the first one (I didn't need sweeping shots of them standing in a wood. Dumb scene from "Twilight".)
I recommend this movie to any Twihard. I don't think you'll be disappointed unless you are Team Edward and want to see a lot of Rob Pattinson (although you'll see plenty of his chest. Not as impressive as Taylor Lautner's.)
Off to bed now. Late night, but well worth the bags under the eyes in the morning.

Getting Started

I'm new to the blogging world and bear with me until I get the hang of it. My relatives blog all the time, so I thought I'd better jump on board so we can all keep up-to-date on each other's lives.
Now, I write a weekly column for the newspaper, so in a sense I should already know how to do this. But, just like there, I am having a case of writer's block. Not sure what to say that I don't want the whole world knowing. Some things should not be publicized (just ask my kids whom I embarrass often in my column).
Well, I will hopefully get more things on this blog site, just as soon as I can navigate the site and figure things out. Hang in there with me! Thanks.